What is infrared heat?
Infrared rays are active waves of invisible light that produce radiant heat. They are produced by the sun and absorbed by all living organisms and are considered safe and natural.
When infrared rays come in contact with tissues, it converts to heat. Infrared heat is an effective, harmless way to strengthen your immune system, increase blood flow and promote healing on a cellular level. Heat energy excites the molecules and causes them to have micro vibrations, which leads to dilation of the blood vessels. They are then able to carry and resupply vital oxygen and nutrients needed to heal the area in pain. The immune system becomes stronger as a result - expediting the healing process and helping to prevent infection.
Non-invasive far-infrared rays (FIR) like the type produced from the heaters in the Grassroots Yoga’s space are a vital form of physiotherapy. Increasing evidence suggests that these convenient and non-invasive far-infrared (FIR) rays help correct inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress mainly through the improvement of blood flow.
Is infrared heat medically beneficial for you?
We know that heat in general is used to soothe many aches and pains - such as overexerted muscles, circulation issues, joint pain and so much more. Thanks to infrared technology, we are able to take these treatments even further. One of the most notable benefits is the increase in blood flow. Increased blood flow is essential in promoting tissue repair, relieving pain, calming muscle spasms and rehabilitating movement impairment. Infrared heat dilates blood vessels to allow for transportation and resupply of vital oxygen and nutrients to heal areas of pain on a cellular level.
Compared with traditional heat, which can only penetrate a few millimeters, infrared rays are deep penetrating - up to 2.5 inches! This means that the benefits of heat can reach hard to reach areas like spinal joints, hips, shoulders, neck and knees (just to name a few). Furthermore, this form of deep heat also causes sweating, which rids the body of toxins and metabolic wastes. We all want to get a good sweat in because it’s proof that we worked hard and got a good workout. But, there is so much more at play internally when we sweat and this is only amplified with the addition of infrared.
According to Women’s Health Magazine, “inflammation is one of the biggest Buzz Killingtons for your metabolism and cardiovascular fitness. But when you sweat, you green-light a series of positive reactions: Your heart rate speeds to keep blood pumping to your moving muscles, increasing blood flow and the strength of every contraction over time. You also dial up heat-shock proteins (a special set of responders that safeguard other proteins from damage); repair any damaged ones; and signal production of new, healthy proteins. Studies show these guys even block cells that activate inflammation in the body.”
Proven success of using infrared heat as a physical therapy wellness treatment:
Infrared therapy is applied in the treatment of various health conditions, including back pain, arthritis, bursitis, blunt trauma, muscle strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain, diabetic neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ), tendonitis, wounds, kidney disease, sciatica and surgical incisions.
In a study published by the National Institutes of Health, the effects of infrared treatments on patients living with back pain was closely analyzed. The study, titled “Infrared therapy for chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial” closely followed 40 patients throughout the duration of their infrared treatments. The results of this study were overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating a significant reduction in lower back pain over seven weekly sessions. The conclusion states: “The IR therapy unit used was demonstrated to be effective in reducing chronic low back pain, and no adverse effects were observed.”
A journal out of Oxford Academic studied the effects of FIR therapy on patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in which they had demonstrated that FIR therapy could improve the access flow and unassisted opening of arteriovenous fistula (AVF). AVF malfunction is associated with higher levels of certain CKD indicators and lower levels of other compounds (check out the full study here). In this trial, they enrolled 122 advanced CKD patients - 60 in the FIR group and 62 in the control group. The 60 patients in the FIR group received treatment for 40 minutes three times a week for three months. When compared with the control group, the FIR group had more positive change on average - concluding that far-infrared ray therapy improved blood flow and reduced some dysfunction and oxidative stress in individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Through these studies and more, it is clear that infrared heat is used as a viable, science backed physical therapy treatment for a variety of conditions and a regular yoga practice that includes this mechanism can only be beneficial to the community’s overall health and well being.
In a study published by the National Institutes of Health, the effects of infrared treatments on patients living with back pain was closely analyzed. The conclusion states: “The IR therapy unit used was demonstrated to be effective in reducing chronic low back pain, and no adverse effects were observed.”
Ready to try an infrared heated yoga class?